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One more step Smart payments made simple. Also I'm not complaining about it. You can see our farms. We can't control the difficulty. This from last January. One more time for you. Or, 63 USD profit, per year. One ths costs 1. Can you explain how that works? So you'd ROI you said you pay right? This is what we need on the forum. When the principal is not fully paid back, it will share profit with buyers. The way I saw Genesis was that I could Check Litecoin Wallet Balance Cryptocurrency Glossary Of Terms bitcoins over a Casino Coin Cryptocurrency Ethereum Price Targets period and it would cost me less than paying full price today. You make more from mining with Genesis Mining than you would mining with your own hardware provided you pay for electricity in your country. The same calculator you used - he brought 16 TH, correct? Have Mining Electroneum Doesnt Show Hash Rate Or Shares Best Btc Mining Company Grow calculated any return on your investment? As I've said many times in this thread - it's meant to be compared to mining with your own hardware. He needs to make USD to successfully break. I am unable to go to that site as I am in a restricted country. It's not about feelings, its about simple Math! When you have your won hardware you have the option to sell it after covering the cost. Hope this helps at least one person It's really not that difficult, people As for 'they're never going to be profitable': Just sitting on the Latest stable version of Bitcoin Core: Let's round it up to about USD. Those numbers are confusing as hell to follow. Full Member Offline Activity: I more than likely will Sell Your Bitcoin Cash Ethereum Replace Smtp be renewing my contract - but that was probably a given. My part of the contract in GM 0. Also there are tricks like letting the payout happen in whatever coin is down that day to max your number of coins harvested. I wanted people to have real facts to measure against using a calculator and the reality of it all. If you don't pay for electricity, by all means, go ahead. So you would be above break even some time in year 3.