Coinbase Send Time To Bittrex Bitcoin What Is The Transfer Fee Of Litecoin

MODERATORS How much does it cost? Win btc just for 5 mins! Submit a new link. Not showing up on the block chain at all. Submit a new text post. Just a swamped company unprepared for the load. Now just waiting on Electrum to confirm balance Jason, thank you for your kind gesture of helping me. Hence, I am so puzzled why everyone seems to be able to see it automatically on their accounts, while I am struggling! I'm at 10 hours. I transferred ETH and it went through is like 10 minutes. Not even at the point of waiting on confirmations. Another consideration… are you in the united states? Once the view transaction link appears, it actually was sent to the blockchain. This is not something we can avoid. As I renember, Bittrex have 0. Here's how it works: NP,… hopefully Bittrex Litecoin To Burstcoin Ethereum Cryptocurrency Code gets sorted out soon for you! ETH is slow now. Where is my wire? Process completed at the 7 hour mark. Post as a guest Name. Hero Member Offline Activity: The second transaction is sent to a smart contract, which can tell the difference between ETH and ETC, so it is a little more expensive to run, but also the cost is Binance Location Crypto Robot 365, so they reserved for gas for the transaction, but only used Shubham 11 1 1 2. Peter - Can you walk us through what a round trip transaction for you would look like: If you want to avoid transfer fee from coinbase, transfer first to GDAX account and then transfer out to your other exchange of choice.

One more step

Transaction fees in ether transfer from coinbase to Poloniex Picture Walton Crypto News Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Welcome to the transactionfeenightmare squad. Receiving wallet needs two confirmations before it will accept it. My experience has been, transactions will always remain at 0 until the link to "view transaction" appears. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. I have already had my identity verified. Hence, I am so puzzled why everyone seems to be able to see it automatically on their accounts, while I am struggling! Clearly being done by GDAX on purpose. The transaction cost 0. Only problem atm is, that the verification to Gdax isn't working. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. An ethereum simple transaction costs gas and at 70 Gwei gas price, which is high normal is 20GWei , that comes to 0. Welcome to the transactionfeenightmare squad. My experience has been, transactions will always remain at 0 until the link to "view transaction" appears. Still nothing Edit 2: Hence this makes dust transactions transactions less than 10 USD completely wasteful and useless as the fees takes up a large amount of your txid, so you lose much more. If you want to avoid transfer fee from coinbase, transfer first to GDAX account and then transfer out to your other exchange of choice. I have already had my identity verified. I'm not alone then, I transferred 3 hours ago just want to buy some alcoins while the mass doesen't learn about them , I'm from Italy how about you? Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. How long does it take? Prior to that, it's just sitting in a Coinbase-Only queue, that's my guess. How does the referral program work? Trying to transfer from GDAX. Can you say, how much is that "huge fee"?

And as user above said, if you need to transfer coins to Coinbase, you can convert it in Litecoins to avoid high fees. Have Can High Frequency Trading Buy Bitcoin What Is The Current Litecoin Mining Reward start looking at some other way to get money to the alt-coin exchanges. I hope yours go through soon. I'm getting close to four hours, and the transfer still hasn't processed. Jason, thank you for your kind gesture of helping me. How long has it been like this Can you say, how much is that "huge fee"? Just a swamped company unprepared for the load. I always get quoted 0. How does the referral program work? FUCK the coin I wanna buy has gone up by. Have tried for several days with no avail. Sign up using Facebook. It's been over 12 hours for me! Sorry I should have clarified better. Yeah I was going to do a trade and make a few thousand. Makes things always read to go! Good tip, those pesky fees sneak up on you! Can someone explain why the high cost of transaction fee? Can you say, how much is that "huge fee"? I don't see it on the blockchain, so appears to be a Coinbase issue. Post as a guest Name. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Receiving wallet needs two confirmations before it will accept it. Submit a new link. Are there any other transaction fees that I am not aware of? Full Member Offline Activity: April 16, , Hopefully it's in by 6pm? The second transaction is sent to a smart contract, which can tell the difference between ETH and ETC, so it is a little more expensive to run, but also the cost is indeterminate, so they reserved for gas for the transaction, but only used Ill probably keep my coins in my wallet from now on. Sign up using Facebook. Trying to transfer from GDAX. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Tried transferring BTC nearly 5 hours ago. Good luck if your trading it bro.