Litecoin Vs Bitcoin Vs Ethereum Reddit Raspberry Pi And Cryptocurrency

MODERATORS It's an asset of exchange. I'll "print" my own money Genesis Mining Affiliate Code Drop Off Monero Rentability In Genesis Mining you. Smart Contracts The future road-map of Litecoin shows its interest in anonymous smart contracts. I have to say, the Litecoin community is a heck of a lot better at giving straight answers. The question you have to ask is what do you think is BTC's actual value at the time you want to sell. So the best idea is to diversify. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The number of parameters available for comparison is wide and time tested, starting from a simple Litecoin Free Faucet What Is Blockchain Cryptocurrency result's net profit to complex ones like debt equity ratio, PE, trailing EPS. LTC is crypto-currency base on a public ledger. I have watched many of those videos, followed him and read what he's written. Anyone telling you otherwise is technically ignorant or not telling the truth in an effort to pump a coin. The Tekton Pc For Bitcoin Trading Litecoin Core Vs Electrum Lite set is like 15 bucks and should do the job. A cheaper alternative to support the LTC network. Prices are still a little suppressed after all the China exchange ban FUD, so it's a great time to buy in, imho. While I'm not positive, I believe the updated fee structure of Bitcoin is a similar mitigation to the spam problem - albeit late to the game. The interest rate would be 1. Contribute and learn more here litecoin. Also out there could be big news we have not seen. She would say, I am going to put this away and someday, if need be, this will be. That doesn't scare me because I don't view crypto as an investment. But the catch up rally is awaiting and it is not so far. Well, what matters is the competition; our markets are Rain Condensate Cryptocurrency Exchange Without Smartphone built on hype before value. It's a great time to be alive! Bitcoin is the most common association of cryptocurreny out. If you believe in the Litecoin Vs Bitcoin Vs Ethereum Reddit Raspberry Pi And Cryptocurrency, HODL on my friends! Finally I came to the conclusion that litecoin will be the ultimate standard "currency" that will be widely used and accepted in inevitable block-chain Bittrex Litecoin To Burstcoin Ethereum Cryptocurrency Code economy from old central bank controlled fiat system, I finally made the decision. Submit a new text post. The founder Charlee Lee has joined Vix Ice Cloud Mining Btc Mining Rx480 at Litecoin foundation after his stint in coinbase. Edit - This guy that got downvoted -3 below also posted something that I forgot. Keep up to date with the Official Blog. Bitcoin like all cryptos is fiat.

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Now imagine that this computer can be programmed. Gold is about to go up. Visit the offical litecoin website at litecoin. That doesn't scare me because I don't view crypto as an investment. Well that would be something that people could get behind. After seeing everything else rise, I sold out completely. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. No Thanks, I'm happy with my current investment. Investing in cryptos is about multipliers. I'm not here for some sort of religious currency war. So the best idea is to diversify. Visit the offical litecoin website at litecoin. A cheaper alternative to support the LTC Campbx Bitcoin Withdrawl Ethereum Arriving Late. I thought it was just ICOs. I don't know why but when people say "Ethereum isn't just money" I think - "well fuck that I just want money". Has a great working product already: I would diversify like most have mentioned. Submit a new text post. I'm not sure about it long term. They also say its not directly meant to be a currency, also there is not a set limit on tokens, thus your token could go down in value from inflation conpared to bitcoin and litecoin. Litecoin on the other Binance Transaction Hash Most Legitimate Crypto Tokens has a single unified community. This creates downward pressure on the prices of other coins while Bitcoin BTC is going up. If the descriptions are buzzwordy or overly complex, it's likely crap. Similar to Us Citizenship Binance All Ponzi Scheme Crypto Like Control Finance segwit activated on Bitcoin Core after segwit's success on Litecoin Core, people will have more trust on bitcoin as it has proven features and that is where they will put their money. Close on Friday is well below 80ma support. Also, if the correlation breaks down between the 3 main ones you'll still benefit because you're diversified. It started hitting main stream talk in the interwebs world. Just 6 months ago 1 LTC cost 0. How much will it increase no one really knows, like Bitcoin Tax Canada 2018 Ethereum Reward For Solution cryptos it depends on it's level of adoption. I truly believe the only reason Litecoin is even a popular investment is because of Coinbases' early adoption. The founder Charlee Lee has joined back at Litecoin foundation after his stint in coinbase. BTC is typically about 318 Hash Mining Can You Profit From Bitcoin Mining minutes. At this very moment in time, I would have to lean towards Litecoin. Click here to visit our Twitter. Neither side is without blame and both are playing chicken with the future of Bitcoin.

All submissions related to your affiliation will be blacklisted if found to be spamming. I'm withdrawing my profits daily! However, asking a litecoin Reddit is likely to yield a skewed response. Once you're on the network, once there are nodes out there, it is the market the Cheap Cryptocurrency Mining Rig How To Keep Ethereum Safe that drives. They're both great coins tbh. This is because you have more coins and therefore, a larger multiplier. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Watch a quick litecoin video to learn. Keep up to date with the Official Blog. Log in or sign up in seconds. Contribute and learn more here litecoin. I think that, as a 43 year old man, I am seeing the future. I want to diversify in to other crptos than the 3. Litecoin Foundation Store All proceeds go to the dev's! The block generation time of Bitcoin is 10 minutes and Litecoin is 2. I just purchased litecoins from Bittrex and transferred them to my litecoin core and backed the wallet with USB memory. I do code and I'm curious, why are you scared? I agree litecoin has great great potential, however without growing prices I am weary we are going to suffer even greater. I was just trying to answer OP's post as honest as I could. The community I have to say, the Litecoin community is a heck of a lot better at giving straight answers. BTC has more security with node count and hash power, but is obviously much more expensive. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.. I did the math. The SnP index fund is very popular. While there is now a semi-efficient ASIC implementation, it is still somewhat better distributed than Bitcoin. According to google keyword search, Litecoin is still not in limelight like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Eth, my people receive it always less than 2 minutes. Opinion, not financial advice. Breath of fresh air Edit - how could I forget communities.

Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. The government prints money with nothing to back it. Merchants are welcome to advertise new services, or the acceptance of Litecoin on their service. That mean all the node computer have this bet in them memory. I would diversify like most have mentioned. I have watched many of those videos, followed him and read what he's written. Split between Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and one or two altcoins you believe in. Submit a new text post. This can change in near future and both the coins can compliment each other on a long run. Don't fall into the trap of being on a "team". But like any portfolio, diversity is important. Contact the mods Merchants are welcome to advertise new services, or the acceptance of Litecoin on their service. Submit a new text post. Cryptos are in a way mimicking Which Cryptocurrency Exchange To Day Trade Start Your Own Cryptocurrency Business world, not a single coin for everyone, but plenty of different coins which may suit particular purposes. So far BTC seems to be the one to accumulate value. LTC is crypto-currency base on a public ledger. Now is a terrible time to by eth. I think litecoin is more of a long term investment where you won't see the gains as fast as you would other coins. Everyone tries to describe crypto-currencies using an analagy, but whatever, mine is a unique little snowflake so I will share it with you; One of many new features that comes with all crypto-currencies is that information is tied to each coin or fraction therof:. Want to add to the discussion? This is all a percentage game. I'm withdrawing my profits daily! I find that transaction fees are hurting the bottom line if I investing weekly instead of with one lump sum. Want to add to the discussion? What do you mean by private blockchain implementation? But like any portfolio, diversity is important. Most people don't have etching tools, though. I love how everyone downvoted my post into obvlion. That's what I'm going to do. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. So, if you bought these to make a buck, I hope you do. I truly believe the only reason Litecoin is even a popular investment is because of Coinbases' early adoption. Diversifying would involve buying into the crypto market and buying assets in other markets, such as the energy market or the tech market as an example. After the first ad, providers are welcome to use reddit's advertising platform to continue to promote the service. Bitcoin is the OG of cryptos. She would say, I am going to put this away and someday, if need be, this will be there. Heck it's barely moved when you look at the 2 month chart. Another bitcoin maximalist i see, Don't forget Litecoin will still be faster and cheaper than Bitcoin even after it gets LN. No "I just [bought sold] Litecoin" posts.