How Did People Get Bitcoins Deposit Ethereum To Gatehub

One more step It's been three days. Connect an exchange appropriate to the currency you're missing. After following this guide I have successfully got my "frozen" money and the promised 20 XRP to run the wallet on Gatehub. XRP This part is more complicated. In Litecoin Vs Bitcoin Vs Ethereum Stock Market Crash Cryptocurrency post, I'm going to explain what the problem is, why you're having it, the things I did to fix it, and finally what you can do. This then activated the the BTC trust. Be very, very careful about exchanges that haven't been tested by How Did People Get Bitcoins Deposit Ethereum To Gatehub of users. Select the "no tag" checkbox. However I found another website, Bitsane www. Could you go more in depth on what happened? The user experience for Gatehub has been terrible, and idk if I want to put Litecoins News Reddit Dash Cryptocurrency Predictions money into a platform with virtually zero customer support when I'm an inexperienced trader. As described above, we need a minimum of 20 XRP just to activate our account. When you do purchase it, the XRP will be represented in your Binance account almost instantly. It just showed up this morning. Waiting from last friday 5 days! So as you guys know, Binance and most other sites are closed for new users at the moment. Currently, that balance is 20 XRP. Had to wait for 10 days to get the btc back and do the exchange via binance. The company only has 12 employees listed on linkedin. Right now my wallet is worth Is that enough ETH? I use Toast Wallet. I'll update again in case something changes, maybe this can be helpful to. Check a snapshot below:. At first without a trustline setup. Is anyone else getting an error when trying to cofirm Berl Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Settings trustline?

First deposit and wallet activation

In the name field, should I put my email address at coinbase or the account proper name? I sent it over to gatehub under the bitcoin deposit links in gatehub. Expected it to be there already, but there are some big delays in processing a few currency. I sent the CEO and a few others emails plus I put tickets in and no one ever responded Most Profitable Cryptocurrency To Mine With Antminer S3 Altcoin Trader Account Login has been at least 10 days. I'd love an answer to this. I had depossited 40xrp in the wallet to function. Ah ok, what's wrong with shapeshift though? This then activated the the BTC trust. Be very, very careful about exchanges that haven't been tested by lots of users. XRP This part is more complicated. When compared to what other crypto exchanges, these fees are not that high. I thought for a moment all my ETH was gone. Go to your wallet. Now I'm just waiting for the transfer to complete. Biggest fee part of that process is credit card to LTC on coinbase. You only need to know three things about them:. Still not arrived, but i'll be patient and see how it goes..! Update 1 - 1 day later: I've spent a considerable amount of time experimenting with various deposits and analysing XRP Ledger transactions to and from Gatehub. Unlike other exchanges, which tend to let your share their wallets, Gatehub issues each person their own, native Ripple wallet. This then activated the the BTC trust. Each of the the two transactions has a distinct hash, and different sending and receiving address. But I keep setting the trust. At least in my head. I'm a little confused by your question, so I don't want to answer and tell you to do the wrong thing.

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You are awesome, slick guide, saved me a ton of headache - you deserve a Ripple so i sent you one. I'm going to send you some ripple when my ETH eventually show up. Still nothing in my wallet. As far as I know, hosted wallets are not Ripple wallets, so you should not. But I still do not see anything In my gatehub account. This means the minimum amount of XRP can't be sent away from that wallet. On the other hand, GateHub charges coin deposit fees. A deposit from your desktop, mobile, or 3rd party Bitcoin wallet to your Ripple wallet goes like this: Still no Dash in my gatehub wallet. Sent them to my Gatehub wallet, and arrived in a couple of minutes. Ostensibly, the reason for this is to "prevent the shared ledger from growing excessively large. This guide is great! I have made a dash transaction to the gathub wallet dash adress. However I found another website, Bitsane www. I find it ridiculous that it isn't so straight forward. Waiting from last friday 5 days! I did Trustline with BTC. I'd love an answer to this too. I'm in NY State which is ridiculous with its anti crypto laws. I sent the CEO and a few others emails plus I put tickets in and no one ever responded it has been at least 10 days. This one is tougher. I have given up on using Gatehub at all at this point. It would be great if these sites ran like a proper brokerage or banking site, but they do not and probably will not. So I had a decent amount of ripple in my wallet. If I ever wanted to cash out, I'd just reverse. That's how we got into this What Is Wrong With Litecoin All Cryptocurrencies Coming Out in the first place, but the only way out is. Finally, after 12 hours How Did People Get Bitcoins Deposit Ethereum To Gatehub got the email from GateHub about they got my transfer stuck. I think I just need to be patient. The 20 XRP was added to the wallet and it is fully activated now but the BTC still has not come through and seems to have vanished. Thanks for the in depth What Does In Order Mean On Binance Real Time Crypto Rates In Excel. I hope that it hasn't. Started inGateHub is a UK-based cryptocurrency exchange that uses Ripple XRP as a form of digital coin for trading and moving money across the so-called Japanese Cryptocurrency Trends Zencash Price Crypto network, but claims that it is a business independent from Ripple. I also noticed that in the last hours most of the major cryptocurrency went down except from ETH. I'm pretty technical, but I don't see how the "average joe" can create a firestorm on the exchange if they cannot even get in. You could lesson the initial purchase fee even more if you do bank transfer to LTC, but you have to wait a number of days for that to get available. It showed a 0 on fees but I was charged a chunk on. The coins came from another site that i purchased and immediately sent to my ripple wallet address. Ostensibly, the reason for this is to "prevent the shared ledger from growing excessively large.

Cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, XRP,...) deposit

Is there something i can do? It's been 18 hours since I've opened the trust lines. There are no specific EU requirements for the crypto exchanges yet, except that they apply KYC know your customer and AML anti money laundering procedures, but this regulatory area is still unclear. I sold my xrp to BTC then moved it. But I keep setting the trust. It has been 40 hours since I've opened the trust line. This then activated the the BTC trust. In your opinion, should I Genesis Mining How Often Should I See Payouts Cloud Services That Allow Mining eat this loss and use a different currency exchange? Oh good, so glad to hear. I did have gatehub account set up and started verification process before Christmas break so that's something to consider im actualy not sure if there is any, i also set up kraken, bitstamp accounts at same time so i might have been confused It seems like transferring other currency to gatehub activates GH account. Are you sure something else Bitcoin Central Server Earn Ethereum With Music going on? I sent it over to gatehub under the bitcoin deposit links in gatehub. Select the "no tag" checkbox. Yes, this means your 20 XRP is lost. Unlike other exchanges, which tend to let your share their wallets, Gatehub issues each person their own, native Ripple wallet. Maybe I should just wait. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. The company is a big joke. I don't know how, but a couple of days after sending my ETH to my disabled account I received the 20 XRP from Gatehub and the mail asking me to set the trustline. I'm in NY State which is ridiculous with its anti crypto laws. The question is, if they're going to transfer that 20XRP anyway after 4 days, why don't they do it in the first place and block until the transactions fail?!? It went into their inbox wallet, and then was sent to a cold wallet. However, it seems that its founders originate from Slovenia. The company is a big joke. I'm thinking server overload. This guide is great! I then also need to put in the exact ammount of coins with decimal it looks like correct? Again, thank you so much for your patience, Happy Holidays!!! Now waiting for 8 days! I read this just a few minutes ago. We strive to share the most reliable, interesting, and accurate information to our readers. Each trust line raises your account's minimum required XRP by 5. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I had to figure this out for myself about 2 weeks ago. Had to wait for 10 days to get the btc back and do the exchange via binance. I thought for a moment all my ETH was gone. I resisted doing this at first, because fool me twice and all that. Trust Lines I'll be honest, I still don't understand trust lines, what they are or why we have to have them. I finally received my money, without notice nor an email stating that. But I keep setting the trust. In this post, I'm going to explain what the problem is, why you're having it, the things I did to fix it, and finally what you can do next. I have sent an email to them as well, but won't expect any reply in this century. It seems like it's just a waiting game but that's easier said than done with money just floating in nowhere. You may be looking at the "net worth" of your wallet, which will display the equivalent value of all of your coins in a selected currency. So, we'll see how long takes to go through my BTC that I've transfer 30 hours ago. This article briefly explains the technical background of transactions on the Ripple, Bitcoin and Ethereum networks. Hopefully it will hit soon on Binance then I will follow your instructions and convert to XRP and send to gatehub. The Problem In a nutshell, you sent coins to Gatehub, and they've never shown up in your Gatehub account. I dont know what to do..