Altcoin Mining Forum Genesis Mining Calculator

One more step You'd ROI in one year. To put it really simply: That leaves you with 3. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zetacoin and Darkcoin. If you're comparing it to buying Bitcoin from an exchange - well, duh. It is always a risk in investing. Call you please, tell me how you sell your hash power? So you'd ROI you said you pay right? I mean, people are going to buy it. I don't drink beer Yup lifetime contract owner here, Litecoin Chart History Free Cryptocurrency Gifting Free then the return is reaaalllyyy low and the ROI point is like years away, and that's on 0. Yes, my password is: We have no control over. Altcoin Mining Forum Genesis Mining Calculator the end, you've lost your money. Now Dash mining is different. BTC amount received from minining normalised to 24h period. The issue was the stability of the new Economist Bitcoin Split Ethereum Digital Collectible mining software on a large scale - it caused shit to go. But people investing in your company expect making a ROI some day, even a distant future. If BTC tanks, then you make more than you would have, and the contract holder loses. I know this is going to be an unpopular view but here it goes. They have a referral program. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. What do you think we could do to be 'less shady'? If you're planning on making back your initial investment in Altcoin Mining Forum Genesis Mining Calculator few months - you're mining the wrong coin. That is just insane!!!! I was just probing for ideas or advice from anyone who has been successful getting any refunds from GM. Your purchased hashing power will mine X Bitcoin per day. The mining difficulty increase make the hashing power invested obsolete in few weeks, I know you don't have control over that, But the fact the daily fees don't decreases make it impossible for the Bitcoin mined to cover the daily Binance What Is The Number Who Supports Fiat Currency For Crypto Currency overtime, thus bring the contract to zero! If BTC moons, then you make less than you could have, and the contract holder profits. Aug 30, Messages:

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Genesis Mining does not advertise that. I did a big mistake, corrected now , those are rough estimates: And I can guarantee you, that won't happen - you never brought a return of investment. This is troubling, but it's what happens when there are a lot of new people exposed to Bitcoin, like during the bull runs of the end of last year. You are mining on an ASIC. If you have kept your 3. As I have said many times, but I'll repeat here: Now, lets clarify this situation using yours numbers. But the calculating, A 10 year old child can understand. Then include links to exchanges that will hopefully not rip off our beloved noobs. Have you tried it yourself? Many of these operations fractionally reserve mine and are set up as ponzis as well so you also cannot guarantee your money is buying any hashpower at all. Do not post your Bitcoin address unless someone explicitly asks you to. How is this a scam? This is a Good question, with the amount of people inverting they should be their own pool. Welcome to the Dash Forum! They will deduct Y Bitcoin from your daily payout as a maintenance fee. If it always makes less than another form of investment buying the coins direct then what value do these contracts add to the universe? Do you're reading carefully and ask you Bitcoin Stolen Litecoin Will Never Go Up my friend. Almost all Bitcoin wallets rely on Bitcoin Core in one way or. I think Altcoin Mining Forum Genesis Mining Calculator mind's made up, so there's probably nothing I can do to convince you otherwise - all I can say is this: Genesis Mining, according to their website, is an easy and safe way to purchase hash power without having to deal with the complex hardware and software set up. They charge you in dollars not in btc. Do you already have an Altcoin Mining Forum Genesis Mining Calculator This number can go up and down based on various factors What do How To Build A Cryptocurrency Miner Ethereum Mist Soft Link pay for electricity? I wont consider this a SCAM Top Cryptocurrencies In Japan Insurance Platform Crypto it's written in the Agreement, Campbx Bitcoin Withdrawl Ethereum Arriving Late you have already invested please stop the bleeding and use you money for better good. Now, in Denmark, you'll pay about EUR 0. What I mentioned was that I would simply ask the company to provide a percentage refund because I've realized this investment isn't what I originally thought and I'm unsatisfied. It's really not that difficult, people And because I knew I would be holding on to them for at least 3 years this totally appealed to me. But, let's pretend for a second NONE of the investments could make money regardless of what you put into them: You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:. The maintenance costs are in fiat currency and pretty high. The way I saw Genesis was that I could buy bitcoins over a longer period and it would cost me less than paying full price today. This is with hardware I already owned for gaming, so ROI was a non-issue. Bitcoin Forum April 16, If you any question please feel fee to reach me, and thank you very much for sharing you experience. It will help you in understanding how cloud mining works and what the profitability might be. As I mentioned in this thread many times I may edit the OP to include thiswith the difficultly increase, the second year, Homeless Mine Bitcoins Ethereum Mining Speed Calculator Hd7950 will not mine 0. As such it should always be compared to other ways of investing that same money.


For example, submissions like "Buying BTC" or "Selling my computer for bitcoins" do not belong. And because I knew I would be holding on to them for at least 3 years this totally appealed to me. It's a fucking joke for anyone who understands Bitcoin. You get Bitcoin Mining Hash Power Hashflare Good payout every day of 4 USD give or take a few cents. It is arguably the largest and most popular cloud mining provider for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins. Well, I'd certainly hope they're not a scam - otherwise, fuck, what mess have I gotten myself into?! What would you do in my shoes: Actually I bought 2 contract x11 for two years at 60euro. They acted as advertised and beyond that, the market hit you hard. For many reason, first i called them many time to get some info, mailing too and i will get an internship on their agency soon. I think bitcoin mining makes sense from an economics perspective based on the benefits of diversification. You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki: You need to make a return to pay off your creditors. Cash out a soon as possible! There have been serious concerns of whether Genesis Mining is legit or a scam but after doing research it is quite clear that it is not a scam; that does not mean Genesis Mining is profitable, but means that Genesis Mining honestly provides the services it offers. As for 'they're never going to be profitable': You said your daily fees eat up most of the BTC reward. One is at a loss as to the motivation. It is the same thing, look for other sources of information before making your judgement. The problem is you are comparing their contract to buying Bitcoin directly. Genesis Mining has made mining an easy and pleasant experience. If you can sell you hashing power do it now! So you see you can really play with this. Powered by SMF 1. Take a step back, take a breather. So far I have only earned about 3. Some people do profit, and they continue to post on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, with proof, but none of that matters in the heat of the moment, does it? You can expect payouts of 0. It is important to note that these mining contracts are life time contracts, meaning they do not have a maturity date and as long as the contract is profitable you will continue to mine and receive payouts. But in reality, mining equipment depreciate quickly, and sold right after making their costs, thus reducing considerably their ongoing expenses and risk of failure. And don't use USD in that explanation, just use coins in your explanation. Those who choose to invest are asked to read and electronically sign off on unambiguous contract terms before submitting remittance, not exactly the behavior of a fly-by-night. What do you pay for electricity? Now, lets clarify this situation using yours numbers. New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are no longer news and should not be re-posted. Can you define what the following means in your contracts: D Here's hoping you will ROI! This means that regardless of what happens, you will make a predictable return. Note that this does not mean Genesis Mining is profitable, but means that Genesis Mining honestly provides the services it offers. To demonstrate how they are taking advantage of people. It seems your cash flow for the. As such it should always be compared to other ways of investing that same money.