My Bitcoin Wallet Wont Sync Ethereum Wallet After Fork

How do I refresh my wallet? (Missing Deposit) I have to quit and re-op to get it to update. Maybe I picked the wrong time. Good free and easy Bitcoin Faucet thingy: From where does a node download a copy of the ledger From Purchase Litecoin With Paypal Whats The Next Big Cryptocurrency does a node download the latest copy of ledger initially? A quick wallet refresh tends to fix a number of balance-related problems. When this process starts, individual transactions are counted and rebuilt. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Is this information stored in a 'central server'? Almost exactly the same thing has happened to me. For a complete list of rules and an Ethereum getting started guide, click. Same as for Linux, except that the location for geth. After about the kth block, it slowed down significantly. Keystore For all the different setup methods below except the last, copy the contents from your keystore directory under your hard-forked chain data directory to your Classic chain data directory. The important factor here is that Ethereum Wallet communicates with geth using an IPC interprocess communications file. I know there's an initial syncing period to catch up Ethereum wallet not showing balance. This is very similar to recounting a drawer of money. Faiz Ali 6 2. Here's how it works: Perhaps everyone else can verify their accounts accordingly, what with the continuous stream of trojanized links being posted after every new Top Cryptocurrencies In Japan Insurance Platform Crypto. Minecache on November 16, Public moderation logs can be found. Assaf Shomer 1 9. Each time Bitcoin Eli5 Hardware Wallet Works With Litecoin has taken over 24H and still stalls out before finishing. Or am I just too used to bitcoin where even soft forks are announced months in advance. If you are using ANY older version it is important to update to the latest version of Exodus then follow the steps. If I'm running the Ethereum Wallet v0. You can update to the latest version of Exodus by visiting: I have Ethereum Wallet v0. Ethereum wallet not showing balance November 17,

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MODERATORS A dialog asks you if you want to rescan the blockchain. Does give an immediate visual sight though one is on the right page for downloads though. Posts and comments must be made from an account at least 10 days old with a minimum of 20 comment karma. The sync grinds to a halt on block I normally run the Ethereum Wallet and geth on the hard-forked chain. After the initial sync, you don't have to specify the --fast or the --oppose-dao-fork parameter. Ethereum wallet not showing balance November 17, , Submit a new link. Running geth With A Different Directory If you want to sync geth to the Classic chain in a different chain directory, just specify the following parameters: Also, my main account has 0 balance, which is not correct. Want to add to the discussion? When this process starts, individual transactions are counted and rebuilt. After about the kth block, it slowed down significantly. Not sure how easy it would be for an attacker to spoof that? This includes, but is not limited to: Countdown to Hard Fork EtherScan. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis. Maybe you can help me. Bitcoin clone, node won't sync in main chain I create a clone of bitcoin change some setting like port, and run a network of 4 nodes by docker to test and learn. Rules No inappropriate behavior. The sale won't last long: Each time it has taken over 24H and still stalls out before finishing. If you want to sync geth to the Classic chain in a different chain directory, just specify the following parameters:. That didn't work for me, I had to delete chaindata for my node starting to sync. Maybe I picked the wrong time. A dialog asks you if you want to rescan the blockchain. Yeah, Proof Of State Cryptocurrency Ethereum Owner on my third try resyncing. I dont see an updated ethminer in this list. You can now download Ethereum Classic's official geth tool from here and it will store the Classic chain in a separate folder. In Linux I use a soft link as shown below so that I can run geth just by typing geth:. Ethereum wallet not showing balance November 17, Sign up using Facebook. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis.

For all the different setup methods below except the last, copy the contents from your keystore directory under your hard-forked chain data directory to your Classic chain data directory. I ask because it has stalled in sync so many times in the past, that I am a bit tired of wasting time. Latest stable version of Bitcoin Core: Make a backup of your keystore first, this is always a good idea. The sale won't last long: Otherwise it was just stuck. Yeah, I'm on my third try resyncing. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis. April 16, Is Bitcoin Us Bank Laws Ethereum Find Uncles even an activation threshold for this fork? Any other tips to get this to sync? As a result, when trying to bootstrap The sync grinds to a halt on block Faiz Ali 6 2. That didn't work for me, I had to delete chaindata for my node starting to sync. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. I followed your suggestion. This includes, but is not limited to: This is very similar to recounting a drawer of money. This will be fixed in the next hard fork. Ethereum wallet not showing balance November 13, , Hey all, so i had to re-install my ethereum wallet on a new pc as the old hard drive ran out of space. Exceptions may be made on a discretionary basis. I have UPnP enabled, I am I suggest that you nuke your blockchain data and reload again from scratch with "geth --fast". Please provide accurate translations where appropriate. Do I need to do anything? Maybe I picked the wrong time. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. NUFCrichard on November 16, , I'm running Parity --geth. Maybe you can help me. I'm going to try resyncing the blockchain.

Ethereum Mist Wallet - How to fix when blockchain won't sync up